
Do you need quickly a good


Training for startups and small firms!

From idea to business in 30 minutes

A good idea is not enough.

Someone has to be willing to pay for it!


Basics of entrepreneurial literacy in practice

Basics of entrepreneurial literacy in practice

From idea to business is 10 lectures of intensive training of the basics of entrepreneurial literacy. You will develop your idea to the phase when you will be able to decide whether it is wise to continue and start your real business or not.

This is practical use of the basics of entrepreneurial literacy (business model, customer development process and agile engineering process of product development). We use PIL - iLab (Innovation Lab - iLab) implementation way.

From idea to business - training description

This practical training helps you to understand how company is designed in the real world.

The implementation method PIL - iLab (Innovation Lab - iLab) allows you to experience initial stages of the real business in a very short time.

You will be under pressure of the simulated startup and you will learn how to transform your idea to the business.

You will use the implementation method PIL - iLab (evidence based entrepreneurship) and you will learn how to use business model and customer development process. You will test your hypotheses "out of the building". Using agile product development process (gradual steps and iteration) you will develop your product which your customers really want and need, will buy and use.

Why you will be thrilled?

Training objective

Help to innovative entrepreneurs to reduce failure risk


"Get out of the building", and learn by exoeriments and hypotheses testing


10 lectures/10 weeks

Lab culture

Direct and open environment, startup simulation (time and money constraint), with limited time for maximum learning

Trainer-lector's role

Short summary lecture based on extract from study materials including Udacity training (Steve Blank in English)

Trainer-mentor's role

„Trainer“ trains „sportsman“ for "sport season"

Required aktivities

Enough time for self-study (recommended reading plus Udacity training in English – Steve Blank), customer interviews and your presentation preparation. Face to face (or Skype) interviews with about 10-15 potential customers between particular trainings (in total about 100 interviews with different people)


Info about all activities and interviews from last training, feedback from trainer-lector/mentor


Physical product functional prototype, web/app product functional web/app with real customers, who use it. Final presentation (video 2 minutes, presentation 10 minutes)

Presentation to investors

Training of the presentation to investors